Intern Wrap Up: Luke McMahon

By Luke McMahon

I have a little bit of restless leg syndrome when it comes to filling my time during summer vacation. That being the case, I have been seeking out programs/internships to take part in during the summer since early high school. So, with a good amount of internships and work experience under my belt as I enter my junior year of college, I can confidently say that no company or program has left me with a stronger bullet point on my resume than Olivia Management.

Music has always been propelled and nurtured by collaboration. It is incredible to see that collaborative effort exists not only on the creative side but in a business environment at Olivia. In some previous jobs, I have felt entirely expendable. At Olivia, I am consistently involved in every day and big-picture projects, learning programs, and completing tasks that will undoubtedly be helpful in my future professional endeavors.

Olivia feels like a team in every sense of the word and is the most welcoming company. Erin, Merk, Grace, and Maddy have curated a space where I want to get work done, where I want to help out my team in any way I can.

Whether hanging up tour posters, sending emails to hundreds of fans, or writing blogs like this, Olivia management knows how to keep you busy.

Each member of the OM team is uniquely equipped to handle regular office discussions about Harry Styles, Swiftie culture, and the latest binge-worthy shows. If you are looking to be inspired by a group of dedicated, badass women in music, I would not miss the chance to work here.

Not goodbye, just see you later!

Peter Groenwald Plays The Bluebird Cafe!

By: Abby Coleman

The Bluebird Cafe is one of Nashville’s most well-known and well-loved venues for live music. It is known for hosting some of the biggest names in music and giving songwriters a spotlight. Garth Brooks, Dirks Bentley, and Keith Urban are just a few of the stars that have taken stage at the Bluebird. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest names to play at the Bluebird Cafe, which resulted in her record deal. 

The Bluebird is always packed, and landing a gig there is nearly impossible, but we are so proud to say that our very own Peter Groenwald played a round there last Friday. The lineup was amazing and the show sold out in 10 minutes. He played alongside Mary Bragg, Kyshona, and Femke. Peter played some new songs as well as “Wake Up” by Hush Kids. We are always proud of Peter, but especially after this weekend. He did a phenomenal job and got the chance to showcase his talent at one of the biggest venues in Nashville. 

To listen to Peter’s music click here…. We promise you won’t regret it!

Your Enneagram Playlist

By: Savannah Hall

Let’s talk about the Enneagram.

Either you love the Enneagram or you're wondering what the heck I’m talking about. The Enneagram is a 9-type personality test that was introduced as a system to describe the emotions and specific patterns of how each type lives their life. By taking this test you can find what type you identify with. Being the creative and moody Type 4, I felt there was no better way to introduce the enneagram to you than with a specially designed playlist for your type! As you dive deeper into learning more about your personality type enjoy this special curated playlist just for you. 

Type 1 - The Perfectionist 

Type 2 - The Helper 

Type 3 - The Achiever 

Type 4 - The Individualist

Type 5 - The Investigator 

Type 6 - The Loyalist

Type 7 - The Enthusiast

Type 8 - The Challenger 

Type 9 - The Peacemaker   

"So Good" by Alex Blue is the Summer Song You Need Right Now.

By Luke McMahon

Whether summer means a few months of a wide-open schedule and not knowing what day it is, or just another few months out of the year where you tap your foot under your desk until the weekend, Alex Blue has you covered with the perfect summer tune. With a fitting title, “So Good” is the perfect encapsulation of the inevitable summer blues and the sunshine that wishes them away. 

Sharing a little backstory on the track, Alex says, “This song is about getting a call from the worst possible person to hear from on your birthday. It makes a day that should have been celebratory a bit of a nightmare. This dancey song daydream is about what the party might have been like if that call never came.” Just because the weather is nice and the sunlight sticks around a little longer these days doesn’t mean everyday worries and struggles don’t know where to find us. Blue pinpoints that feeling so well in this song. Not only do I find comfort in someone else admitting to feeling not so great on what should be a good day, but Blue has made me want to get up and dance about it. Take a drive around your neighborhood, roll down your windows, blast some “So Good,” and thank me later.

In a visual accompaniment to the song, Alex can be seen enjoying a classic rock pop under the summer sun, taking in the colors, sounds, and scenery that are guaranteed to invigorate your summer daydreaming. 

Written by Alex Blue and produced by herself & Giulio Cercato, “So Good” joins “Coffee in the Morning,” another recent single off of Alex’s current EP project.

Be sure to check out “So Good” as well as Alex’s other incredible projects on all streaming platforms here!

What Song Will Save You From Vecna?

by Savannah Hall

Image by

Imagine this. It’s a casual Friday morning. You say hello to your fluffy friend, coffee cup in one hand, and suddenly you hear it. The ominous ticking sound of an old clock. The walls drift into a black void and you see Vecna ready to drag you into the upside down. There is only one way to save you from this darkness. Your favorite song! Here at Olivia Management not only do we love surviving Vecna in Stranger Things, but we love music. We asked our team what song would save them from Vecna and prepare them for Season 4, Volume 2.

Erin - “Summer” by Modest Mouse "I grew up in Florida and this song reminds me of summers at the beach, staying out late, drinking Slurpees, and that maybe I wasn't made to work all the time."

Merk - “California Dreamin’” by The Mama’s and The Papa’s “This was the song I have memories of hearing, loving, and learning. Everyone say thank you to my Dad for his exquisite taste in music and exposing me to the best of the best since the very beginning.” 

Hannah - “You and Me” by Lifehouse “This song is one I've loved since I was a kid. I’ve never been able to find a song I've loved more unconditionally than this one. Every time I hear it, I can’t help but smile!”

Savannah - “Desperado” by Eagles “I grew up listening to 70s music, so I truly think anything from that era could save me, but Desperado by the Eagles would be the hard hitter! That song brings me back to life every time I play it.”

Luke - “August” by Flipturn “There is no momentous occasion that this song transports back to or any specific person it makes me think of, so in that way, it is a song I have been able to turn and listen to for quite literally any feeling or experience. I just love this song.”

Abby - “She Will Be Loved ” by Maroon 5 “This is one of the first songs I listened to and wanted to know more about. It was also one of the first songs I decided to love for myself rather than it being fed to me by my parents. It always puts me in a good mood, reminds me of love, and why I love music!”

Maddy - “The Glow” by Sylvan Esso “It's a song I can never skip, and I always find myself happily lost in the music. Plus the song has a bit of an electronic 80's vibe, so it would match the show pretty well!”

Grace - “Don’t Stop” by Fleetwood Mac “The Rumors record was the first record I bought with my own money! It brings me back to a time of being carefree and young. It reminds me of summer drives to the beach with the windows down. A song that truly makes me floaty and happy!”

There you have it! Our team will be playing their favorite tunes as we watch the new Stranger Things season. Let us know what will be saving you from Vecna!

Jill Andrews "The Parthenon Sessions" Review

By Luke McMahon

For over one hundred years, the Parthenon has stood proudly in Centennial Park as one of Nashville's most popular attractions. One hundred years means this building has witnessed millions of little moments. It has been a place for nervous first dates or the silent walk of a couple that has been together for 50 years, a place for locals and tourists alike to come and gaze at the impossibly green grass and walk through the extraordinary building. From all kinds of gatherings, breakups, and proposals, the Parthenon has arguably seen it all. But I can only imagine how this old building must have felt when it was swelled by the musical stylings of Olivia Management's very own Jill Andrews in her recently debuted "Parthenon sessions."

Presented by the Centennial Park Conservancy and containing 5 of Jill's original tunes, the Parthenon sessions offered the perfect environment for Andrews' unforgettable artistry, "tailored to the unique 5-second reverb of the building's 42-foot tall ceilings." If there is a "right way" to enjoy Jill Andrews' music, this is that way. Accompanied and surrounded by a variety of string players throughout each song makes the experience not only sonically beautiful but visually stunning. Seeing the exposed instruments that culminate to produce such a unique raw sound, paired with Andrews’ soulful voice and thoughtful lyrics makes for a memorable performance.

One performance, in particular, stood out to me as it captured so perfectly the magic that makes Jill, well, Jill. Performing her song "Sorry Now," from her 2020 Album, Thirties, accompanied by a quartet of string instruments, Andrews drifted through the sound system on my TV, allowing it to feel as though my living room ceiling was 42 feet high. It is a special thing to witness a musician in such a stripped environment, it is even more special to see them absolutely crush it. Andrews doesn’t need much to shine.

The Parthenon sessions are a masterful way to showcase artists and the most authentic parts of their talent. Do yourself a favor and check it out. You can stream Jill's Session via YouTube or wherever you like to get your tunes!

Be sure to see Jill Andrews on tour this fall! Grab your tickets here!

Dark Enough to See the Stars - Mary Gauthier Record Release

by Maddy Hicks

We are honored to have been a part of the legendary Mary Gauthier’s recent record release. Her album, Dark Enough to See the Stars, debuted Friday, June 3rd. It is an extraordinary project, with striking songs such as “Amsterdam,” “The Meadow,” “Thank God for You,” and the title track. Listen to the album here and check out Mary’s upcoming tour dates here.

Did you know that we do project management? If you have a project like Mary’s that you need some help with, reach out to us at and let us know what you’re working on!

Featured Merch: Alex Blue Spring Selection

by Maddy Hicks

In March, our artist Alex Blue launched a merch line with all new items! Alex spent time designing these pieces to make sure she would actually want to wear them herself. We might be biased, but everyone here at the office is in love with these items. They’re so aesthetically pleasing, and they really feel like Alex! From t-shirts to tote bags, hoodies to hats, there’s something for everyone.

My personal favorite is the “Remind Me of the Magic” t-shirt. It’s soft and sweet and reminds me of one of my all-time favorite Alex songs.

Check out Alex’s merch here to find your favorite!

Intern Wrap-Up: Bri Cummings

by Bri Cummings

Wrapping up my second semester interning for Olivia Management is incredibly bittersweet, here’s why…

I decided to pursue music industry at a pretty inopportune time–the semester the entire world came to a halt, to be specific. I was halfway through my “Basics of the Music Industry” class, had just purchased Passman’s infamous yellow book, and recently added Music Industry as minor when USC sent students home for Spring Break (permanently). I leveraged the time online as much as I could by getting to know my professors, taking the maximum amount of industry classes allowed for minors, doing monthly informational interviews, and producing my first virtual concert. But, the summer before my senior year, I still had no internship experience. After being turned down for countless remote internships in LA I decided to expand my search. I came across Olivia Management after a quick Google search for “artist management company in Nashville”. #thankyouverymuchSEO

I enjoyed my interview with Maggie so much that I wondered whether all the employees and interns at Olivia Management could possibly be as cool and kind as she was (spoiler alert… they are). I was thrilled to get the internship offer and the opportunity to gain industry experience I had wanted for so long. I wasn’t sure how much “hands-on experience” I could gain as a remote intern at the time, but at that point, I just needed a glimmer of hope that the music industry could be for me. A year later, my time at Olivia Management has proved to be just that, a glimmer of hope.

I’ve had two full and incredibly worthwhile semesters here. I’ve been valued as an intern, encouraged to learn and ask questions, trusted with tasks for artists that felt really important, cared for as a person, and given a real look into artist management. I don’t know what else I could ask for from an internship. The hands-on value of Olivia Management wasn’t in physically being in the office like I expected, but in the variety and amount of tasks I was trusted with, the consistency and value of the team’s communication, and Erin/Grace/Merk’s skills and accessibility.

The Olivia Management team set the bar pretty high in the employee department. I got to know Erin, Grace, Merk, and the other interns over Slack and our weekly staff meetings, which might sound crazy, but I still feel like I know and really enjoy everyone. Also, Erin might have messed up my standards for everything that a boss should be from here on out in a good way… she is ambitious, skillful, dedicated to the success of her employees, and incredibly patient. I’m lucky to have met such fun, genuine, and kind women in music so early on in my career and plan to stay connected with them for the long-haul. I love this team a lot more than I should for having never met almost any of them in person.

I’m graduating next month and plan to find a music industry job in LA–my experience here has made me really excited to do that. This internship has been a great launching pad (hopefully all the people interviewing me in the future will agree).

Logging off for today, Bri

Intern Wrap-Up: Maddy Hicks

by Maddy Hicks

This is my second semester interning with Olivia Management, and it’s bittersweet to reflect back on my time as I get ready to graduate. I applied for the internship in the Fall of 2021 based on a recommendation from some of my peers who had previously interned with OM. They were adamant that this internship was unlike any other and was hugely influential to them. Within my first few weeks as an intern, I completely understood what they meant.

Right off the bat, Erin welcomed me in and trusted me with tasks that actually made a difference in her artists’ careers. I was immersed from the beginning until I had a full awareness of how to function as a team member. Furthermore, I was treated with the respect of a team member, which was both comforting and empowering. I happened to have been an intern during semesters when there were all women in the office, and it was important for me to see and be a part of a female team in the music industry. Erin is an incredible leader, and she always offered to meet with interns one-on-one to discuss not only her industry experience, but also her interns’ goals and interests. I always felt seen and valued, and it meant a lot to have a boss who was willing to be a mentor as well.

Some of my responsibilities as an intern at Olivia Management included creating social media ads for artist releases and performances, processing and sending merchandise orders, organizing tour efforts, putting show posters up around town, writing blog entries, updating websites, selling merchandise at shows, writing Wikipedia pages for our artists, and so much more. This was way more responsibility than I was given at any prior internship I’d had, and it was genuinely rewarding to be doing something that made a difference for our artists.

After graduation, I’ll be pursuing my own artist career and I’m also excited to say that I will be working part-time with Olivia Management! I’m so grateful for my time here, and I can’t imagine a team I would be happier to join.

My Favorite Work/Study Playlists

by Grace Carey-Hill

If you’re like me, you’re constantly looking for new playlists and music that makes you feel all of the warm and fuzzy feelings throughout the most stressful of days. Please enjoy some of my favorite playlists to put on to work or study (in my undergrad days) to. Hope you find some gems that you like!

Main Character Moment Playlists:

Easy Listening Playlists:

Day in the Life of an OM Intern!

by Hannah Loomis

Do you ever wonder what a day at a Nashville artist management company looks like? Well today, you’re getting a peek! Hi, my name is Hannah Loomis and I am an intern here at Olivia Management! I’m going to be taking you through what my typical day looks like in the office.

After logging onto Slack and saying hello to everyone, I always start my day by heading over to Asana and checking what tasks I’ve been assigned! Asana is a project management software that allows us to assign and be assigned things to work on. I always complete the tasks that are due by the end of the day first, and then I prioritize what else needs to be done from there.

After updating our tour database with social handles, ticket links, ticket prices, and contact information, I headed into our office’s kitchen for lunch! I snagged a spoon to eat some cereal and said hello to some of our office neighbors.

After lunch, I began working on checking the ticket links to our artist’s shows and collecting the ticket counts from each venue. I do this each week so that we know how many tickets have been sold and to check that the show’s information and branding are correct.

I also packed a merch order that we received! With a little bit of help from ShipStation and our Slab page for shipping processes, I got a vinyl order ready for shipping! We use ShipStation as a way to create shipping labels, and Slab is a site that acts as our company handbook.

Next, I started working on my Artist Expert project! This is a semester-long project that each intern is assigned. Through the Artist Expert project, we get to become immersed in the management of a few particular artists on the Olivia Management roster. We ensure their social media pages are taken care of, report their streaming numbers, and more. This semester, I’ve been Alex Blue and Smooth Hound Smith’s artist expert!

Last but not least, I make sure the office is picked up, say goodbye to everyone, and head out. So, there you have it! That was a day in my life as an intern at Olivia Management. I have loved every second of my role at Olivia — so much so that I’m returning for the summer! Each day is unique and exciting in its own way, and I have been given so many opportunities during my time here. I’ve attended an artist’s release party, watched an artist’s creative process come to life in the studio, and learned incredible things that I’ll carry with me throughout my career. Erin and the rest of the Olivia Management team are brilliant and it is truly a joy to learn from them!

If you’re interested in interning with Olivia Management this summer or fall, message to get in touch! We’re excited to hear from you!

Women in Music that Inspire Olivia Management

by Grace Carey-Hill

As Women's History Month comes to a close, we wanted to highlight some women in music that inspire us at Olivia Management. These women are amongst the greatest musicians of all time. Not only do they encompass what it means to be a great artist but they hold some of the other values that we hold dear at Olivia Management. ⁠

  1. Carole King - King began her career writing and producing songs for other recording artists. By the 70s, she broke out as a recording and performing star and in 2013 became the first-ever female recipient of the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. PLUS since the early 1980s, is actively involved with environmental organizations in support of wilderness preservation. ⁠

⁠2. Ella Fitzgerald - She is known as “The First Lady of Song”. Ella won 13 Grammys, recorded more than 200 albums, and fought relentlessly against discrimination as a Black female artist during the Jim Crow era. Fitzgerald was the first Black woman to win a Grammy away. She also created and funded ⁠The Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation to foster a love of reading, as well as a love of music. In addition, the foundation provides assistance to the at-risk and disadvantaged members of our communities. A total badass, right?

3. Dolly Parton - How can we even put this amazing lady into a small blurb? Parton is a smart businesswoman, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, actress, author, businesswoman, and humanitarian.⁠ Dolly is one of the elite groups of individuals to receive at least one nomination from all four major annual American entertainment award organizations; Emmy, GRAMMY, Oscar, and Tony. In 2004, the U.S. Library of Congress gave her the distinguished Living Legend Award. She’s the only musician on the planet to have her own theme park, which hires many people from the communities near where she grew up.