Spring 2024 Intern Wrap Up!

It’s hard to believe how fast this Spring 2024 semester has flown. We’ve asked each of our interns to wrap up their semester in a couple of sentences. These last days with interns are so bittersweet! We have been so blessed to have them work with us semester and can’t wait to meet the new friends that are going to join us over the summer semester. Stay tuned to meet them so soon! But until then, here are the last words from our Spring 24 interns.

Grace Frazier

Being at Olivia management this past year has taught me so much and paved such a smooth path for me to grow. Getting to know Erin, Grace and Sidney has been an experience I will never forget. This is a company that does amazing business and I will be forever proud to have worked with them for the time that I did. Sad that this chapter is closing, but I know that there is so much more to come from both myself and everyone at Olivia. As a graduating senior, I am very emotional, but after working with these amazing women, it’s hard not to be.

Tyler Prondzinski

I really enjoyed my semester interning at Olivia Management! The practical, real world knowledge that I walked away with was amazing. There are just some things you can't learn in school, and a lot of the music business is about experiencing it yourself or learning secondhand. I specifically learned so much about marketing and event promotion that I have a lot to unpack!

Miriam DeYoung

This last day in office with the amazing Olivia Management team is so bittersweet. I absolutely love each and every soul that I’ve met and had the pleasure to work with over my past two semesters here! Grace is such a fabulous cheerleader, Sidney is always on top of her ish, Erin is such an amazing leader and friend. I’m going to miss them with every piece of my heart but, luckily, you can’t get rid of me yet. I’m so honored to have been asked to stay on for this next month while Erin is getting MARRIED and Sidney is graduating from Berklee (such a fun month for personal OM achievements). I’m so blessed that, in a town of opportunities, I’ve been offered this one.

Nick Royall

I started my MBA program last fall knowing that I wanted to pursue a career in artist management, but without any professional experience in the field. My internship at Olivia Management this spring semester was a valuable first look at what really goes into managing musicians. I was able to work alongside and learn from such amazing folks, and my time here only solidified my choice to pursue artist management as a career. Erin is such a knowledgeable and effective leader, and I appreciated her making herself available with her time and resources throughout the semester. Everyone at Olivia Management provided a welcoming environment for me to learn in, and I hope I’m lucky enough to be in workplaces with a similar culture in the future.

A Day In The Life of an Olivia Management Intern 🥰

By Miriam DeYoung

Hello beautiful people! My name is Miriam DeYoung, I’m a songwriting major and music business minor at Belmont University, this is my second semester as an intern here at Olivia Management, and I’m going to take you along for the ride on a typical day when I’m in office!

Tuesday night we had our company outing to TOP GOLF (in which I was absolutely demolished). Erin and the team are very intentional about getting to know interns as people which is such an amazing thing. Erin, Grace, and Sidney are ✨amazing✨

This morning, I started off my day looking over my tasks that I’ve been assigned, and then picking up some others for my day. This includes things such as

Frazier and I were interns together last semester and we’re not in the office on the same days, hence this amazing affirmation from her 🤩

  • writing this blog 😊

  • designing a page on Mary Gauthier’s website (you’ll see it soon, keep an eye out)

  • Reading through my affirmations - we do these every week at our Monday staff meetings but I join staff online so I check mine out on Tuesday when I’m in office

our beautifully organized snack shelf :)

Took a little snack break. My personal favorite is the fact that we have poptarts and motts fruit snacks, the nostalgia is real!!
We have lots of snacks in office and, if you’re lucky like I was last semester, you get to go shopping and pick out whatever you want to have during the day.

I also had a meeting with our amazing founder Erin Anderson while in office today. Every month, Erin sits down with each of us to answer any questions and help us in any way that she can which is so amazing. Today we talked about priorities in Nashville, about future internships, networking and so much more. Erin is such an amazing leader and I’m always trying to learn as much as I can about how she does it!

Thanks for tuning in, if you’re by chance looking for a Summer 24 or Fall 24 internship, you should 100% apply the link on our website, we’d love to see if you’d make a good fit for our OM team! It’s such a great space to learn more about artist management and work alongside some wonderful, kind people like Erin, Grace, and Sidney.

With that, have a FABULOUS day 🫶