What I Learned at My Favorite Internship Ever

by Suzannah Peek


When I started at Olivia Management in January, I had no idea how much I would come to love these ladies and how sad I would be to leave them. Y’all… THIS is an internship. I laughed, I failed, and definitely embarrassed myself a few times. Most of all I grew. With every failure came a lesson and I will forever be grateful to Erin, Madeline, and Maggie for this experience. If you’re reading this and need an internship, do this one!! There’s going to be hard work, spreadsheets, Calypso Café, live music, and maybe even some bowling. Keep reading to find out the top three things I learned from the past 4 months.


I’ve had a couple of internships where I learned insane amounts but never knew if I was doing a good job. Each week in our Monday meeting we would write down personalized notes to each other saying anything we liked about the other person. We would then go around the room and read them out loud. It could be something specific that they did well that week, a compliment on their overall personality, or encouraging words if they weren’t having the best time. This seriously changed the game for me. Knowing what I do well helps me center my focus and saves time by allowing me to move onto tasks that I don’t do as well. It makes me feel valued and makes me want to work even harder. Every company should do this, no question.


Before coming to Olivia Management, part of me wanted to work at a big company. After this internship my mind has totally changed. Seeing Maggie build a tour from the ground up and seeing Erin run this company like the boss she is inspires me so much. They created everything they have themselves and it’s that kind of entrepreneurial drive that makes me proud to have been a part of Olivia Management. A big time management company has more artists and more resources but Olivia Management is just so hands on, you feel proud of what you made at the end of the day. This semester the interns were involved in editing videos, creating album art, and even setting up some of the artist’s websites. I don’t know of another internship that gives out that much responsibility. I was so immersed in the artist management world and I gained knowledge that I couldn’t get at a large company. THESE LADIES ARE HARD WORKING AND IT SHOWS.



 I’m graduating in a little over two weeks and it is scary. It’s painful, things are ending, and my life is changing. Everyone at Olivia Management went through the same thing and they have been so encouraging and helpful throughout this process. They have given me job searching tips and forwarded job postings my way. I worked hard for them (at least I think so) and they have returned the favor 2x over. Internships don’t always have to be about coffee runs and grunt work. There are companies out there (OLIVIA MANAGEMENT) that care about your growth. Maggie and Madeline always asked me what types of tasked that I liked and tailored them that way. For that reason, I genuinely loved the work I was doing and who I was doing it for. Work hard and people will do the same for you. Ok I’m emotional now goodbye.

The Hardest Goodbye

By: Emily McCreight

This past semester has been one of the most life changing experiences in my entire college career. I have learned more than I ever thought I could in just 4 short months, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the 5 strong women that helped me through my first internship.



Everyone loves to be told that they’re doing great or that their hard work is paying off…but I don’t think people realize how much it’s needed in order to be motivated in such a cut-throat industry. The music industry comes with high’s and low’s everyday, and it can be draining for some. I learned through Olivia Management that giving affirmations is essential to keeping your team motivated and ready for whatever this crazy environment throws at you. Celebrating accomplishments, no matter how big or small, is extremely rewarding. I’ll never find the love and kindness this office has at any other workplace.

Be your true self

Walking in on my first day at Olivia Management, I was extremely scared to say anything, move a certain way, or even eat. Little did I know that there was nothing to be scared of. A couple weeks into the internship, I was told at our weekly meeting that they were happy I was finally becoming comfortable and coming out of my shell. If I was still as shy as I was on that first day in January, I would never be where I am right now. These women have given me confidence in my work and personality that motivates me to keep going in the music industry. I have been told and shown time and time again that I can’t expect things to happen, I have to make them happen for myself. (While also being graceful)

It’s all in the~Details~

I’m already a pretty detail-oriented person, but whether or not it shows in your work is what matters. Over the past 4 months I have been given multiple projects that were time consuming and tough, but these were also my favorite things to work on during my days in the office. I worked on a single cover for one artist and paying attention to detail really payed off because now that single cover is on Spotify. 2 years ago I never thought my work would ever make it to something as prestigious as the top streaming service in the world, but lo and behold, because of my hard work, IT DID. I cannot thank this company enough for giving me opportunities I never thought I would have the chance to take.

From discovering people’s hidden talents, to first Monday of the semester dance parties, to tarot card readings, I will always look back at my internship with Olivia Management as my best internship. With all the love in the world, Em ♥︎

From discovering people’s hidden talents, to first Monday of the semester dance parties, to tarot card readings, I will always look back at my internship with Olivia Management as my best internship. With all the love in the world, Em ♥︎

What the heck just happened?

By Mackenzie Fey

Well, I’m glad you asked, because let me tell you—I learned. So much, too! I have two semesters worth of more knowledge to share! Here’s a few that would actually fit onto one blog post without it turning into a short novel:

Music Bizz (Artist Management, to be specific)

There are so many different moving parts in this industry, and I have been lucky enough to get a magnified view into what that looks like. With artist management, I’ve learned how much it requires real love of music, believing in the artist, taking risks, thinking outside the box, creativity, and patience. That, and more of course. I have found I learn so much more about what the industry actually looks like in the real world through experiences here than I typically would in the classroom settings. And even after about a million and one times trying to explain it to me, I finally understand what overages are (thanks Madeline).


I remember sitting in Erin’s office during one of my first days here at Olivia Management last August, and as we were going through what the semester was going to look like, the word “excellence” was brought up a few different times. This means working hard, being honest, checking your work over, and showing nothing but kindness. I can’t express its importance enough. Excellence has been shown to me through Erin, Maggie and Madeline without fail. They are shinning examples of the word. I’m like 99.9% sure if you search “excellence” on dictionary.com, their names appear in the definition. It’s something I’ve strived for this semester, and will be carrying with me even after I leave the doors of this sweet, teal building.

Just Listen

Huh? What did you say? Just kidding! Whether that’s listening to instructions, or listening intently during all-company meetings, you’d be surprised how much you can absorb and learn from by just from staying quiet to observe. I’m definitely guilty of sometimes not being the best of listeners in my personal life, so learning how to be an attentive listener has been more than valuable here. It’s still a learning curve, personally, but I’m on my way!

Ask questions

With only just finishing my sophomore year in college, I’m still in the early stages of my music business knowledge in the real world (I still feel twelve years old most days). It was made known to me from the start of the semester that my internship at Olivia Management was a space to ask the questions I had about anything and everything going on with the company and/or industry. This is an incredible asset in an internship, and I have my wonderful supervisors to thank for that. Asking questions is how you take your learning to a whole new level, but, if you can google your question…then go ahead and just google it.

“Just do it!” - Shia LaBeouf


Sometimes, it can be a scary thing to do things you’ve never done or had the opportunity to do before, but as a wise man once said, “Just do it”. This can mean stepping out of your comfort zone and applying for that internship, reaching out to a professional, showing up at an artists show or industry party without knowing anyone, sending that email for a pitch, asking honest questions about something you’re really unsure about…the list could go on and on. There have been times I’ve been very unsure if I’m doing the right thing, or doing it correctly but I’ve noticed my tendencies to overanalyze and think about something way more than necessary. I’ve now learned to do it, and to be confident in myself and my abilities through and through.

NASH You Oughta KNOW

Sometimes I am overcome with emotion when I think about how many talented folks and friends there are in this city. I’ve been trapped in my own bubble lately, not paying attention to new releases, but I recently went to a show that inspired me (Oginalii!) and popped my bubble. There’s a constant flow of incredible music coming out of this city, and I’m making it a priority (and declaring it here to the internet world to keep myself accountable) to highlight my friends, friends of friends, friend’s bands, friends’ bands friends or just great Nashville music. (But most of them will be friends of friends ‘cause Nashville, you know?) Thus, I present, “Nash You Oughta Know,” where genre has no meaning, and music that makes you feel something and pops your bubble of day-to-day monotony is as meaningful as it gets.

A playlist featuring Lilly Hiatt, Monica Moser, Various Artists, and others

Some Lydia Luce and Andrew Duhon Musts

by Mackenzie Fey

Starting this Friday, Lydia Luce and Andrew Duhon are hitting the road for their Follow the River Down Tour. This is their very first time sharing a stage together, and we’re all over the moon about it (or should I say river….ha)! Living in all the exciting preparations for this tour, I can’t help myself from listening to both Andrew and Lydia nonstop. Here are a few songs you must listen to. I insist on it. Enjoy!

If You're a Fan of Olivia Management Artists, Check Out These Suggestions!

By Suzannah Peek

We are always searching for new or “new to us” artists over here at Olivia Management. Whether it’s an artist we’re trying to sign or an artist we just love to jam out to, the search never ends. Personally, I’m always in the “fans also like” section on Spotify. I want to find as many artists that are as similar to my favorite artist as possible. We created our own “fans also like” lists featuring Olivia Management artists. Click on the picture to listen to the artist!

We’re huge fans of duos, especially male/female duos. There is nothing like hearing the contrast of a low and high harmony come together. If you love The Hush Kids’ vocal symmetry and captivating melodies, then you’ll love…

We’re huge fans of duos, especially male/female duos. There is nothing like hearing the contrast of a low and high harmony come together. If you love The Hush Kids’ vocal symmetry and captivating melodies, then you’ll love…

Lydia’s vocals are really one of a kind. She has the ability to transfer her listeners to a completely different place. When I listen to “Strawberry Moon” I’m transported to the beach at night and when I listen to “Linens” I picture a couple in love…

Lydia’s vocals are really one of a kind. She has the ability to transfer her listeners to a completely different place. When I listen to “Strawberry Moon” I’m transported to the beach at night and when I listen to “Linens” I picture a couple in love during the Summer. If you enjoy Lydia’s storytelling and angelic vocals then you’ll love…

The nostalgic feeling of Matthew Perryman Jones’ “Anything Goes” makes me want to turn up the music and drive with my windows rolled down. His voice brings me to places in my memory that I don’t even remember visiting. If you weirdly like feeling no…

The nostalgic feeling of Matthew Perryman Jones’ “Anything Goes” makes me want to turn up the music and drive with my windows rolled down. His voice brings me to places in my memory that I don’t even remember visiting. If you weirdly like feeling nostalgic and sentimental then you should check out….

Carolina Story! The duo was formed in 2009 in North Dakota. They currently reside in East Nashville and are killing it around town. They have played the Opry and the Bluebird Cafe several times. I actually saw them at the Bluebird Cafe last summer a…

Carolina Story! The duo was formed in 2009 in North Dakota. They currently reside in East Nashville and are killing it around town. They have played the Opry and the Bluebird Cafe several times. I actually saw them at the Bluebird Cafe last summer and was floored. Their style of music is very similar to Hush Kids and they both have a lot of love songs! So if you’re feeling in love or lovesick, click on the photo to listen to Carolina Story.

Ira Wolf! The Montana native has some serious acoustic guitar skills and it shows in her music. She is a force in the folk community with four albums out. Her vocals remind me of Lydia’s in the way that they make me a little bit homesick. Ira travel…

Ira Wolf! The Montana native has some serious acoustic guitar skills and it shows in her music. She is a force in the folk community with four albums out. Her vocals remind me of Lydia’s in the way that they make me a little bit homesick. Ira traveled cross country in a van for several tours and it translates in her music. All I want to do when I turn on "Can’t Say’ is get in the car and drive to my hometown. Click on the picture to listen to Ira Wolf!

Joe Purdy! Speaking of nostalgia, Joe Purdy’s most famous song, “Wash Away”, was in one of the first episodes of Lost. That was one of my favorite shows growing up and I’m sure the same goes for many others! Although Purdy is prominent in the LA sce…

Joe Purdy! Speaking of nostalgia, Joe Purdy’s most famous song, “Wash Away”, was in one of the first episodes of Lost. That was one of my favorite shows growing up and I’m sure the same goes for many others! Although Purdy is prominent in the LA scene, he writes music like he’s a Nashville native. His stories take you on journeys of couples in love, travelers, and the tough topics of American life today. If you want your music to captivate you and make you think then click the picture to listen to Joe Purdy!

Olivia Management on Tour

by Suzannah Peek

We just announced several tours over here at Olivia Management and we could not be more thrilled! All of our artists put out great music but there is nothing like seeing them live. Whether it’s Hush Kids harmonies or Smooth Hound Smith’s chemistry, they always know how to put on a captivating live show. Check out the dates below to see if any of our artists are coming to your city. Click the picture to buy tickets!

Lydia Luce Can't Be Stopped!

by Suzannah Peek

Lydia Luce just came off of a successful tour in New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut and she’s not slowing down anytime soon. She is so passionate about her music and wants to perform as many live shows as she can. Azalea really comes to life when performed in front of an audience. She gets lost in the music (you can just tell from the photos below) and it makes you want to take a step forward and listen closer. Speaking of live shows, she just announced nine more shows with Grammy nominated artist Andrew Duhon. They are going to be singing some tunes from their new albums Azalea and False River and some new songs as well. Check the dates below to see if they’re bringing their Follow the River Down tour to your city!

Pictured: Lydia Luce performing at Cafe Nine in New Haven, Connecticut.

Photo by Tom Kaszuba

Photo by Tom Kaszuba

Photo by Tom Kaszuba

Photo by Tom Kaszuba

Photo by Tom Kaszuba

Photo by Tom Kaszuba

All Tour Dates

3/29 - New Orleans, LA - Santos
Tix: https://bit.ly/2Sy70aL

3/30 - Chattanooga, TN - Stone Cup Cafe (Tix on sale Feb. 20th!)
Tix: http://bit.ly/2N76VFQ 

3/31 - Nashville, TN - 3rd & Lindsley
Tix: https://bit.ly/2SChzJI

4/2 - Asheville, NC - Grey Eagle 
Tix: https://bit.ly/2TyuoSD

4/3 - Atlanta, GA - Eddie's Attic
Tix: https://bit.ly/2BlSyZJ

4/4 - Charlotte, NC - Evening Muse
Tix: https://bit.ly/2DWZHRK

4/5 - Charleston, SC - Pour House Deck (Free Show)
Info: https://bit.ly/2DkIzUm

4/6 - Jacksonville, FL - Jack Rabbit's
Tix: https://bit.ly/2Sf79jO

4/7 - Clearwater, FL - Murray Theatre* 
Tix: https://bit.ly/2SAHEc4

Hope to see all of you there!

Nashville Based Blogs/Magazines We're Loving!

by Suzannah Peek

Music is a universal language that we can all relate to and understand. It is a form of communication in itself so it sometimes seems redundant to write about the subject. With that being said, there can be many benefits to blogs and magazines about music. They can promote albums, share live performances, and give fans a platform to bond over their favorite artists. They can also create conversations about the deeper meaning or technical aspects of an artist’s work through interviews and forums. Since our artists are based in Nashville, we have a couple of blogs and online magazines that we are loving at the moment. Click on the picture to go to their website!

Sounds Like Nashville! This online magazine’s prime focus is country music. Their About Us page stated, “Sounds Like Nashville provides up-to-date, relevant and compelling content focused on the genre, lifestyle, and culture of Country music.” The w…

Sounds Like Nashville! This online magazine’s prime focus is country music. Their About Us page stated, “Sounds Like Nashville provides up-to-date, relevant and compelling content focused on the genre, lifestyle, and culture of Country music.” The writers on staff are quick thinking, uploading articles just hours after major events like Sunday night’s Grammys. Sounds Like Nashville has written about Matthew Perryman Jones and that article can be accessed here!

American Songwriter! This magazine focuses specifically on songwriters. They don’t solely focus on Nashville artists but, they are based in Nashville talented songwriters are the center of this city. The magazine covers folk, country, hip-hop, folk,…

American Songwriter! This magazine focuses specifically on songwriters. They don’t solely focus on Nashville artists but, they are based in Nashville talented songwriters are the center of this city. The magazine covers folk, country, hip-hop, folk, rock, classical, etc. Their services include: daily news, new album reviews, video interviews, in-office video recording sessions, and live photos. They have written tons about our artists. Click on the name to access the articles!

Jill Andrews

Hush Kids

Lydia Luce

Matthew Perryman Jones

Smooth Hound Smith

Now/It’s Nashville! The writers for this local blog have spent decades here and focus on all things that have to do with the city. They write mainly about music but they also feature articles on sports, culture, politics, education, etc. They have d…

Now/It’s Nashville! The writers for this local blog have spent decades here and focus on all things that have to do with the city. They write mainly about music but they also feature articles on sports, culture, politics, education, etc. They have done an interview with Lydia Luce and a live concert review on Matthew Perryman Jones, you can read them here and here!

Cupid's Current Jam

By Mackenzie Fey

Happy Valentine’s Day!! Candy hearts and cupid’s wings are in full swing. One of my favorite parts of the pink festivities that the 14th has to offer is the abundance of love songs. But, if you’re like me and incredibly picky about the songs you choose to add to your playlists, this can be a more tricky time. Lucky for you (and me), our very own Hush Kids just came out with a new acoustic version of their already loved song, “Love Is a Made Up Word” just for this occasion! We already know their harmonic voices and warming lyrics are more than brilliant, but being gifted this version is better than any box of chocolates (although receiving both wouldn’t be the worst thing).

Take it from me and Cupid, and take a listen.

Photo by Fairlight

Photo by Fairlight

Smooth Hound Smith Live!

by Suzannah Peek

We announced our new artist Smooth Hound Smith a few weeks ago and the response has been incredible. We are so glad everyone is loving them as much as we are! They have two beautifully crafted albums out called Sweet Tennessee Honey and Smooth Hound Smith. Go and listen here if you haven’t already. We have them on repeat at the office! The duo is even more captivating live if that is possible. Check out a couple of live performances below!

If you enjoyed those performances then we would love to see you at any of the following dates:

04.10 - Allston, MA Get Tickets Here

04.12 Toronto, Canada Get Ticket Here

04.13 Pontiac, MI Get Tickets Here

04.14 Cleveland, OH Get Tickets Here

Female Representation at the Grammys

by Suzannah Peek

The Grammys are right around the corner on Sunday, February 10th! It is one of music’s biggest nights and we are pretty psyched to see the results, the fashion, and Alicia Keys of course. A couple of favorite albums that we have previously praised on the blog have been nominated for Album of the Year including: By The Way, I Forgive You - Brandi Carlile, Golden Hour - Kacey Musgraves, and Dirty Computer - Janelle Monae. We are proud to have Nashville represented in the main category but more importantly, we are relieved the nominations are finally equal between male and female artists. Women have been historically snubbed at the Grammys since the first award was given out in 1959. This lovely image displaying the number of male vs. female nominees was taken from Glamour Magazine.

Screen Shot 2019-02-07 at 10.26.12 AM.png

The numbers are astonishing and they look even more daunting with a visual representation. The picture shows that only 19.6% of all Album of the Year nominees have been women. There have been 457 male nominations and only 88 female nominations. To break things down even further, only three women of color have won Album of the Year in 61 years: Natalie Cole (1992), Whitney Houston (1994), and Lauryn Hill (1999). Diversity in the awards show seems to be moving in a positive direction but headlines like “Grammys Are More Diverse But Women of Color Can’t Win” and “Women Dominate 2019 Grammy Nominations - Is It Enough?” make us want to push the envelope even more to see all races, genders, sexual orientations, etc. on that stage. Click on the artist’s picture below to listen to and support your favorite female Album of the Year nominee!

Love Is In The Air at Olivia Management

By: Emily McCreight

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I felt like it was the perfect time to share my favorite love songs from our artists here at Olivia Management! ♥︎

Love Is A Made Up Word

“But you and I, we got it right

Love is a made up word”

- Hush Kids

Love You True

“I wanna keep you by my side forever.”

- Lydia Luce

Crazy Over You

“You know my heart's been runnin' around,
Never thought it would slow down,
And I didn't want it to…
‘Til I found you.
Now I do.”

- Smooth Hound Smith

Olivia Management: Episode II - Return of the Intern

By Mackenzie Fey

*** I feel it’s important to note that Erin does possess the strong leadership that Darth Vader had, yet none of the darkness. She is a true light in this life and it’s a privilege to learn from her and be her intern. The same goes for Maggie and Ma…

*** I feel it’s important to note that Erin does possess the strong leadership that Darth Vader had, yet none of the darkness. She is a true light in this life and it’s a privilege to learn from her and be her intern. The same goes for Maggie and Madeline, 110%.

What do you want to get out of this internship for the second time around? 

I can’t tell you how happy I was when I received the email from Erin that asked me to return to Olivia Management (see selfie below for proof). All during last semester I spent my time trying to learn and do as much as I could. This semester, it’s my goal to do the same. The difference is, now I’m able to build off directly of what I learned last semester. I look forward to being involved with projects and tasks I haven’t been able to do yet

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be? 

It’s funny, out of all the questions on this post, I find this one is the most difficult one to answer. If I have to pick one, it has to be “Slow Dancing In a Burning Room” by John Mayer. The song has everything I believe a great song should have: a smooth tempo like a waltz with a noteworthy guitar melody, lyrics that seem to be written just for you, great production and mastering, and so much more. Go ahead and listen to it right now, and you’ll hear exactly what I mean.

What are you most looking forward to this summer?  

This summer, I am headed across the pond to London, England for the month of July! This trip is with my school, Belmont University. There I will be taking a few classes that have entirely to do with the British music industry. It’s been a dream of mine to move to London full-time and work for the industry there. Having this opportunity is a real first step to see if that’s realistically something I would do!

What is one thing you've learned since interning with us? 

I believe that would have to be the importance of listening. Listening can be so vital in more aspects than one. Listening is where you pick up on things and conversations that you may not understand, and that enables you to ask questions that you wouldn’t have thought to ask before. Listening is clear communication so you can be as efficient as possible in your strive for excellence.

What made you decide to intern with us again? 

Initially, it was not in my plan to intern anywhere again until my junior year at uni. I figured I’d go down the traditional Music Business Major path and intern just every so often to keep my resume updated. Being asked back wasn’t what I expected, but I’m so beyond glad it happened. I knew that I loved who I worked for and I knew it was somewhere I felt truly cared about my future in the music industry.

What's one thing you'd like to say to a future intern at Olivia Management? 

If you’ve been asked to intern at Olivia Management, all I have to say is “Congratulations”. I am not over exaggerating when I say that it is an absolute honor to work under such amazing and hardworking women. Don’t take it for granted! As I mentioned earlier in this post, listen and learn as much as you can, because they’re not afraid to answer any sort of questions that come to mind.


An in-time reaction:

I took this selfie to send to my mom 0.2 seconds after Erin asked me to return to Olivia Management the following semester.

Your Favorite TV Show May Contain Olivia Management Music

by Suzannah Peek

We love TV shows ALMOST as much as we love music over here at Olivia Management. It is so exciting whenever one of our artists lands a soundtrack spot on national television shows such as Private Practice, Bones, and The Vampire Diaries. The exposure the artist receives is always a bonus but it is really cool to see a song brought to life by a completely different story than the artist intended. Here are a couple of our favorites! (Click the picture to listen to the song).

Matthew Perryman Jones

Looking For You Again by Matthew Perryman Jones

Looking For You Again by Matthew Perryman Jones

Rain Or Shine by Matthew Perryman Jones

Rain Or Shine by Matthew Perryman Jones

Anymore of This by Matthew Perryman Jones & Mindy Smith

Anymore of This by Matthew Perryman Jones & Mindy Smith

I Can’t Get You Out of My Head by Matthew Perryman Jones

I Can’t Get You Out of My Head by Matthew Perryman Jones

Jill Andrews

No One by Jill Andrews

No One by Jill Andrews

We Built This City by Jill Andrews and Aron Wright

We Built This City by Jill Andrews and Aron Wright

Tell That Devil by Jill Andrews

Tell That Devil by Jill Andrews

Hush Kids

Wake Up by Hush Kids

Wake Up by Hush Kids



We are so excited to welcome Smooth Hound Smith to the Olivia Management family. I mean, watch this video and just TRY not to dance and clap along. The coolest, right?

I had the pleasure of meeting Smooth Hound Smith last year on tour, and I instantly fell in love with their sound, their vibe, their personalities, and their songs. Also, they bought me tacos. I’m pumped that after a year of knowing them I get to welcome them to our family! They have been working on a new record, and I can’t wait for y’all to hear the music.

Also, we are excited to announce that they are headed out on tour this spring for a few dates with the coolest Aaron Lee Tasjan.

SHS ALT announce image 1.jpeg

I hope you love them like I do!


My favorite Indie/Folk Youtube Channels!

By: Emily McCreight

The internet was forever changed on Monday, February 14, 2005…a.k.a the day the internet domain for Youtube was activated. Ever since then I have been obsessed with any and all music videos, interviews, playlists, and sessions I could find of my favorite artists and bands. Here are a couple of my favorite indie/folk channels that I’ve found over the years!

Indie Folk Central

This channel is perfect for staying up-to-date with all new music coming out! Not only do they post a collection of new music each month, but they also upload weekly updates every Friday to ensure their subscribers are keeping up with new music coming out.

Folk Alley

If you’re looking for live sessions with the best of today’s contemporary and traditional folk, Americana and roots music then this is the perfect channel!

BONUS: Folk Alley premiered Hush Kids single, “Goodbye Rain” in September of 2018! Read the article HERE!

Indie Air

Put your hands IndieAir! This channel offers a huge variety of artists that will get you in your indie feels immediately. My personal favorites that have been featured on this channel are EDEN - Rock + Roll, Lauv - Getting Over You, and James Bay - Wild Love. What I love most about this channel is the sound wave that moves to the song when you play a video :)