What do you want to get out of this internship?
I want to learn as much as I possibly can. There's only so much a classroom setting can teach you. I want to be able to take what I've learned so far, and further that with hands-on experience is truly something I'm so excited for and I know I'll get here at Olivia Management.
What do you love to do? Hobbies? Activities?
I really love exploring new places, writing my own music, hanging with my sweet pals, and playing with my puppy Sophie when I'm home.
If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Easy: Ice cream. What mood, occasion, or lazy afternoon has ice cream ever been unnecessary?
Favorite musicians, artists, genres, equipment, shows you’ve been to...tell us anything you love about music.
About two years ago, my dad and I took the hour drive up to Milwaukee, WI from Chicago and settled in to hear Foy Vance live in concert. This show was at Collectivo Coffee. You'd think it was just a typical hipster coffee shop, but for shows like his, they move a wall separating the coffee shop revealing a huge back room with a stage in the back. The crowd was small, and the show intimate. To see one of my favorite artists play a live, acoustic, and up-close set was so incredible.
Why did you choose to intern here?
I chose to intern here because I am in awe of the female powerhouse this company is. From the moment I found out about Olivia Management, I knew I wanted to work here one day. As I learn more and more about the company, the more I like it. I'm truly honored to be interning here. I know they have so much to offer in teaching me, are incredibly intentional with their time and mine, and have shown that they want to get to know me and what I want to get out of being here.
What is your favorite part about Nashville?
I'd have to say my favorite part is my home away from my actual home, Belmont University. There I have found communities unlike anywhere else. I'm from Chicago and had never moved a day in my life. Coming down to Nashville for school and spending a majority of my year here was something I didn't think I could do. Thanks to Belmont, I know I have found a place that I know I can call my own.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Am I too late to say princess? In all seriousness though, I haven't the slightest idea. I do know that I love music and everything having to do with it. Music business is just the tree trunk of all the different branches and fields to go down.