DIY Musician Conference

I had the best time speaking at the DIY Musician Conference last weekend. Back in the spring, when I was asked to talk about artist management, I wrote the following blurb to describe  my talk: 

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In this session we will explore what an artist manager is, what their job is, when you need one, and how to be your own manager until you reach that point. We'll talk about finding the right management fit when it is time, and 7 tools you can use starting today to help you manage your career efficiently.


I accidentally created a pretty big challenge for myself in writing that session description, and ended up spending the better part of a week interviewing other artist managers about their careers, advice, and tools. I'm very proud of the result. 


I really enjoyed meeting so many of you at the conference, and I'm so glad so many of you got a lot out of it. So, since you've asked, I will deliver. If you go HERE by Monday and sign up for my mailing list, I will email you a copy of my presentation!