She's Got It

By Callie Paige

 I recently bought a book and it's not just ANY book. This particular book is all about women entrepreneurs #girlpower. It is called "In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs." You should check it out here. Anyways, that's not the point. The point is that it got me thinking of all the incredible women entrepreneurs that I have had the privilege of working for, that I admire, and that I aspire to be like one day. Here are just a few of those Nashville-based inspiring women entrepreneurs.

1.   E R I N   A N D E R S O N

Founder & CEO of Olivia Management

If you were to look up the definition of badass, I am positive that Erin's name is the first thing you would see. If you don't know Erin Anderson, you better change that right now. She is our fearless leader of Olivia Management and we are eternally grateful for her. She knows how to do business, but she also knows how to have fun along with it. She knows how to make people feel loved and she is always doing what is best for her artists. I have learned an immense amount from her and I feel truly honored to have interned with such an empowering individual. You can learn a bit from her too by attending the CD Baby Conference on Friday, August 25th! Erin is one of the afternoon speakers, so we will obviously be in attendance.


2.   C H A N N I N G   M O R E L A N D


    M A K E N Z I E   S T O K E L

Co-Founders of EVAmore

I was also lucky enough to intern with these entrepreneurs. What can I say...I have a thing for startups. Any who, these two women amaze me. This platform they created was brilliant. They saw a reoccurring problem with event planning, they had a passion, and they went for it. It all started when they were just college students and they are still pursuing it to this day. When I think of these two, I think of hard work and perseverance.

A few other Nashville-based women entrepreneurs that I don't personally know, but that have impacted and inspired my friends:

Becca Stevens - Founder of Thistle Farms

Kate Moore - Founder of GetFit615

These ladies are living proof that women can be entrepreneurs and that they can be dang good at it too. Someone wise once said, "Who runs the world? Girls."