Dear Artist,
I get asked frequently why I chose artist management as a profession and why I love my job. The answer is simple: I believe that beautiful, meaningful art changes the world. I believe that our society today doesn't properly reward those artists creating meaningful work, and I believe my talents and education in business can help artists find ways to earn a living and continue to make art that impacts the world. It's important.
A co-worker at a record label a few years back joked with me, "Erin, we aren't curing cancer here." He wanted me to take my job less seriously. But it IS serious. Artists have something to say, something valuable to add, and without them we'd be lost as a culture.
You are receiving this email because at some point you visited our website or sent us an email asking for help. Oh, how I wish I had unlimited time to invest in every artist I came across that needed my help!
After pondering my limited-hours-in-the-day dilemma, I decided to take all that I've learned about releasing records independently over the past 13 years in the music industry and create an online course. I spent the past six months writing lectures, creating handouts, interviewing other professionals, filming talks, and gathering research to present it all to you in a 10 part series called "How to Release a Record Independently." And because, of course, releasing records is not all there is to growing your bottom line as an artist, I decided to launch a whole online school called Educate by Olivia Management. I plan to launch many more classes over time and share all I have learned about the music industry, and all I am learning as I continue to manage artists full-time.
I hope this is something that can help you, or you know someone that might benefit from this course. Please, please, please take a moment to check out Educate by Olivia Management, "How to Release a Record Independently," or pass this email along to an artist you know that has something important to say.
Erin O. Anderson
Founder, Olivia Management
Founder, Educate by Olivia Management
Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship and Music Business, Belmont University
Your Favorite TV Show May Contain Olivia Management Music
by Suzannah Peek
We love TV shows ALMOST as much as we love music over here at Olivia Management. It is so exciting whenever one of our artists lands a soundtrack spot on national television shows such as Private Practice, Bones, and The Vampire Diaries. The exposure the artist receives is always a bonus but it is really cool to see a song brought to life by a completely different story than the artist intended. Here are a couple of our favorites! (Click the picture to listen to the song).
Matthew Perryman Jones
Jill Andrews
Hush Kids
We are so excited to welcome Smooth Hound Smith to the Olivia Management family. I mean, watch this video and just TRY not to dance and clap along. The coolest, right?
I had the pleasure of meeting Smooth Hound Smith last year on tour, and I instantly fell in love with their sound, their vibe, their personalities, and their songs. Also, they bought me tacos. I’m pumped that after a year of knowing them I get to welcome them to our family! They have been working on a new record, and I can’t wait for y’all to hear the music.
Also, we are excited to announce that they are headed out on tour this spring for a few dates with the coolest Aaron Lee Tasjan.
I hope you love them like I do!
My favorite Indie/Folk Youtube Channels!
By: Emily McCreight
The internet was forever changed on Monday, February 14, 2005…a.k.a the day the internet domain for Youtube was activated. Ever since then I have been obsessed with any and all music videos, interviews, playlists, and sessions I could find of my favorite artists and bands. Here are a couple of my favorite indie/folk channels that I’ve found over the years!
Folk Alley
If you’re looking for live sessions with the best of today’s contemporary and traditional folk, Americana and roots music then this is the perfect channel!
BONUS: Folk Alley premiered Hush Kids single, “Goodbye Rain” in September of 2018! Read the article HERE!
Indie Air
Put your hands IndieAir! This channel offers a huge variety of artists that will get you in your indie feels immediately. My personal favorites that have been featured on this channel are EDEN - Rock + Roll, Lauv - Getting Over You, and James Bay - Wild Love. What I love most about this channel is the sound wave that moves to the song when you play a video :)
Emily's Intern Blog Post
What do you want to get out of this internship?
Coming out of this internship I want to be a lot more aware of the management side in the music industry. I feel like I know a lot about small sections of the industry and how they all fit together, but I’m really excited for the hands-on experience Olivia Management can give me this semester!
What do you love to do?
My biggest passion is music (shocker) but when I’m not drowning in school or work I love to practice my photography! I started taking pictures of my friends with my dads camera when I was in high school and loved everything about it. It’s one of the hobbies that I would do all day everyday if I could!
If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Hands down my favorite food is pasta. No questions.
Tell us anything you love about music!
My favorite music to listen to is anything funky. Stevie Wonder, Sly and the Family Stone, Vulfpeck, etc. Some of the most memorable shows that I have been to are Pink Floyd, Bruno Mars, Bon Iver, and Zac Brown Band. I definitely have a sweet spot for any and all classic rock, although my guilty pleasure is Demi Lovato. Live music will forever and always be my preference over recorded music because of the genuine connection an artist can give to an audience just because of the live aspect of performance.
Why did you choose to intern here?
I chose to intern at Olivia Management because I knew that this was the internship that would give me the best experience. After my interview for the internship I could tell by the atmosphere of the work space that the women working there would help me achieve any and all goals that I had going into the next semester.
What is your favorite part about Nashville?
My favorite part about Nashville would have to be the food. I grew up about 30 minutes away, and even then the food of Franklin will never compare to Hattie B’s or Taqueria Del Sol.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
When I grow up I want to be working with touring artists. I’m not completely sure as to what specific job but I know I want to work with live music!
California Dreamin'
by Mackenzie Fey
As the busy, crazy, and festive weeks come to a close, it finally starts to settle in with me how cold it really can get. Don’t even get me started on the wind that’s been blowing through Nashville the past few days.
As dreary as the weather can be this time of year, I’m craving wavy coasts filled with sunny days and dreamy tunes. Much like the one below from our very own Lydia Luce.
Want to see some of the magic and feel the warmth in person? Click the link below to be directed to some upcoming shows!
Suzannah's Intern Blog Post
What do you want to get out of this internship?
I am so excited about this internship because it is my first encounter with artist management. I am not necessarily creative but I have known that I wanted to work with artists ever since I can remember. I hope to work hard and make as many connections as I can!
What do you love to do? Hobbies? Activities?
All of these answers are going to make me sound like a grandma but I love knitting. I am currently working on a blanket for my dad’s birthday! I also love hanging out with/ having photoshoots with my cat Creature. My second love behind music is movies. I go to the movies more than I would like to admit. Above knitting, my cat, and movies is live music. If I’m not at the movies I’m at a live show.
If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
SAMOSAS!!! I love Indian food and most of my paycheck goes to Indian take out.
Favorite musicians, artists, genres, equipment, shows you’ve been to...tell us anything you love about music.
My love for music begins and ends at Bonnaroo. I loved live music before I attended the festival but it took my love to new heights. This year will be my seventh year! My mom always comes with me and together we’ve seen Elton John, Paul McCartney, Lionel Richie, Pearl Jam, Sheryl Crow, The Killers, Chance the Rapper, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dead & co., Billy Joel, Kanye West, Jack White, Tom Petty, and many more.
Other very important music facts about me:
First concert: Jonas Brothers
Favorite concert: Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats at the Ryman
Current album on repeat: Dirty Computer - Janelle Monae
Why did you choose to intern here?
I found Olivia Management because of the artists! I searched Secret Sisters management and found this company. My interview opened my eyes to a place where women work together to help artists achieve their dreams. After my interview I knew I had to intern here!
What is your favorite part about Nashville?
I know saying live music is the most predictable answer ever but I have to say live music. I’m from Rome, Georgia where practically no artists perform. The closest musical city is Atlanta which is two hours away. I recall many school nights driving back from Atlanta or even Nashville for a concert. I also enjoy all of the other art forms Nashville has to offer. Practically every movie is shown in at least one of the theaters around town. I have also been to several great art and photography installations!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A tour manager! I love the thought of creating a family on the road and witnessing live music every night.
Erin's 2018 Wrap Up
photo by Alaina Mullin
2018 was quite a year.
In 2018, we released 3 albums at our little company. One of our artists was nominated for a GRAMMY. We added a third person full-time to the office. We moved to a cute little house that is all our own. We got sweatshirts. We have dogs in the office now. We have so much fun and so much joy around here.
I feel grateful and honored every day that I get to do this for a living. Music is such an important part of the world, and I want to make sure that music makers can keep doing it forever.
I made a playlist of my favorite music that came out this year- some of it we worked on, some of it we didn’t, but all of it is beautiful art that I’m glad exists in the world. This is my 1 hour long Christmas present to you. I hope you discover some new favorites in this mix and keep supporting great art. We need it in this world.
BRING IT ON, 2019!
My Experience Interning at Olivia Management
By Sarah Tully
This semester has passed in an incredible whirlwind and I can’t believe it’s almost over. I’ve had about a hundred thousand things going on at any given time throughout this semester, but it’s been amazing. In the midst of the chaos of finals I’d like to take the time to reflect on all the things I’ve learned this semester with Olivia Management.
1. Good Things Come to Those Who Work
This semester I watched not just Erin, Madeline, and Maggie but my fellow interns work extremely hard on everything we did. For every project, show, and bump in the road we faced, the whole team was focused and diligent about achieving the end goal we had set for ourselves. It was inspiring to be around that kind of strong work ethic. It helped to push me not only at the internship but in my personal and academic life also.
2. Be Graceful
There were a couple of things that happened this semester that could have caused the atmosphere of the office to become very dark or tense, but Erin never let that happen. She met every obstacle with a grace I can only hope to achieve. She was upfront and honest with us all about what was going on, and even when it made my stomach drop just hearing it, she kept herself very composed and calm. She was quick to make jokes and laugh about things, lightening the mood, which ensured that the office never felt hostel and remained a nurturing environment for creativity and work.
3. Excellence!!
Erin’s mantra is excellence, and it certainly shows. I’ve never seen a team so committed to excellence, not just for their clients but for one another. The Olivia Management team working together is an amazing thing to watch because they strive to be the best team for their artists while also being the best teammates. It’s comforting and inspiring to see a group of women working together and achieving their goals time and time again.
I’m very sad to see this time at Olivia Management come to an end, because it feels like I started last week. It’s been an amazing, refreshing, and fun time and I’ve learned more than I could have imagined. Looking forward to seeing where my path takes me with this new knowledge and looking forward to seeing all of you again!
It's All About The Music
by Sarah Tully
There are plenty of studies that say that our sense of smell is what we’re best at remembering, and that our memory of the sound of someone’s voice is one of the first things we forget, but I would like to call B.S. on that. For me, and a lot of other people I know, I can remember the way a song sounds for years. All of my other senses- sight, touch, smell- get tied to the memory of what that song sounds like.
I remember exactly where my dad’s old ‘Who’s Next’ CD skipped during Baba O’Riley, and in my mind I still hear it skip every time that song plays. I remember how my mom’s crappy car stereo system tried, and failed, to reproduce Sting’s tremendous vocals. Still to this day I can hear those songs and remember what it looked like out the car window, if it was summer or winter, if the car was ridiculously cold or stiflingly hot.
I remember the way my P.B. & Jam iced coffee tasted as I listened to Matthew Perryman Jones’ “Careless Man” on repeat for two hours. I remember the feeling of ridiculous humidity, which became inconsequential as I walked around campus listening to Blue Eyes by Jill Andrews. Where were you when you heard your favorite Olivia Management songs? What could you smell, what could you see? Share this article with your stories- we’d love to hear em!
The Music Never Stops!
Like us, you are probably rushing through the day, looking forward to the turkey and pie on Thursday and the major sales on Friday. BUT, before you check out completely, here are some cool things going on with Olivia Management artists during this Holiday week!
Lydia Luce: Lydia is playing fiddle for Joshua Hedley, opening for Jack White at Bridgestone TONIGHT (11/20)! If you are looking for some last minute plans, you can get tickets here!
Hush Kids: Hush Kids will be LIVE on Today in Nashville on WSMV tomorrow morning (11/21) at 11am! Check it out and hear their beautiful voices and see their lovely faces on your TV screen!
And, for all of you Black Friday needs, Jill Andrews and Matthew Perryman Jones are running a sale on their web stores! For 15% off of MPJ merch, use the code “THANKFUL” at checkout! For 15% off Jill Andrews merch, use code “TURKEYDAY” at checkout. Both sales end on 11/26!
Tunes for Travel
By Mackenzie Fey
In the car? I recommend “Angela” by The Lumineers!
As we approach the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, I know I’m not alone when I say I’m always looking for some new tunes to satisfy my need for quality music during all of the travel this time brings. We spend so many hours of so many days traveling from here to there, bustling through endless foot and car traffic, to finally arrive to wherever we call home. Why not fill those hours listening to some great music?
On a plane? I recommend “Free” by Jill Andrews!
Here I have so lovingly thrown together a little (or not so little…130 songs to be exact) playlist featuring all the songs that remind me of looking out of the window to an open road or sky.
Because they’re so amazing and truly fit the bill when it comes to this playlist, I’ve made sure to add a couple of tunes from our very own artists here at Olivia Management! These include, Jill Andrews, Matthew Perryman Jones, Hush Kids, and Lydia Luce!
Happy listening and safe travels!
Olivia Management Songs That Remind Me of Fall
by: Kaley Ross
As the weather starts to chill, my music taste starts to change. Here is what I have been listening to while I cozy up with my cat and a mug of tea!
Jill Andrews LIVE
By Madeline Heiskell
Who doesn’t love a good live performance? I personally love to hear our artists play live whether its live from Facebook, Instagram, The Paste Studio, Live from Lighting 100, or a classic live show. In the office, we are all getting so PUMPED for Jill Andrew’s December tour and for everyone to hear her angelic live vocals. In preparation, here are some of our favorite live videos of Jill Andrews. Check them out below!
Erin’s Pick: Back Home, Paste Live
Kaley’s Pick: I’m so in Love with You
Mackenzie’s Pick: Rust or Gold, Audiotree Live
Madeline’s Pick: Cannibal, Paste Live Studios
Maggie’s Pick: Sea of Love, Jill and Langhorne Slim in Riviera Maya, Mexico
We hope you enjoyed our fave videos! If you want to see Jill LIVE this December, Click below to see her upcoming tour dates! I think we proved you won’t be disappointed!
Olivia Management Top 5
by Sarah Tully
All of our artists have unique and beautiful music. They all remind me daily why I fell in love with music in the first place. I thought I’d take the time to share my favorite songs by our artists!
First up is “Blue Eyes” by Jill Andrews. Jill’s vocals seem to float just above the music, and the song, written for her son, conveys every ounce of unconditional love a mother has for their child. This song is especially important to me because people always tell me how much I look like my mother, which she and I think is solely because I have her blue eyes. This is one of Jill’s older songs, coming from her 2011 album The Mirror, and the song is truly timeless.
Second is “Careless Man” by Matthew Perryman Jones. This is a much more recent song, released just a couple months ago as a single, leading up to his latest album The Waking Hours, released 9/21. The lyrics tell the story of a man struggling with how much he loves a person, which is a beautiful thing to me.
The third song on the list is “Wake Up” by Hush Kids. The song speaks to the state of the world and how one might feel lost in it all. The soft melody only enhances the power of the message, the idea of wanting to wake up and find out that all of the bad things aren’t so bad. It’s beautiful and incredibly timely, released October 26th on their debut self-titled album.
The fourth on the list is “Azalea” by Lydia Luce, from her debut album Azalea released a few months ago. A hypnotizing blend of Americana song writing with the flare of some electric rock guitars, “Azalea” is sure to give you all the feels, in all the best way!
Last, but absolutely not least, is “Save You” by Matthew Perryman Jones. If you’re listening and suddenly get images of Pretty Little Liars or Grey’s Anatomy don’t worry, you’re not going crazy. The song has been featured in both shows along with other MPJ tunes. The song is a classic love ballad and Matthew’s vocals bring it to heartbreaking heights. Easily a classic, “Save You” is a go-to on any day you need a ballad.
Popular Spotify Playlists featuring Olivia Management Artists by Kaley
Jill Andrews
Tell That Devil on Swagger
I’m So In Love With You (feat. Seth Avett) on Acoustic Love
Lost It All on Deep Dark Indie
Lydia Luce
Sausalito on Your Favorite Coffeehouse
Love You True on Acoustic Love
Sausalito on Fresh Folk
Hush Kids
Morning Is Made on Morning Acoustic
Love Is a Made Up Word on Acoustic Love
Goodbye Rain on The Pulse of Americana
Hush Kid's First Album is HERE!
By Mackenzie Fey
Friday, October 26th, 2018 Hush Kids released their self-titled debut album featuring 10 new songs. Band members Jill Andrews and Peter Groenwald have worked tirelessly with producer Ian Fitchuk on each and every song and now get to share the masterpiece with the world! Needless to say, I’ve been nothing short of excited for the album release ever since I heard their single “Love is a Made Up Word”. With the steady release of other singles “What’s Your Hurry”, “Morning is Made”, and “Goodbye Rain” over the past few months, we finally get to hear it all.
In Nashville and looking for something to do November 15th? Come see the magic in person and grab tickets from the button below for Hush Kids live at The Basement. I’ll be there and so should you. You won’t regret it.
Check out the support from Spotify, Amazon and Apple Music in the gallery below!
Music Modernization Act Signed Oct 11
by Mackenzie Fey
It’s been a long time coming, but the day has finally come. On the morning of Thursday, October 11th, 2018, President Donald Trump was joined by numerous music industry veterans to sign the Music Modernization Act (MMA).
This will change how mechanical licensing of songs that are on digital streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music will now be run: entirely by music publishers. It will increase the statutory rates with the help of performance rights organizations such as ASCAP and BMI, meaning more money for our dear music publishers and songwriters, not just the artists and labels.
Under the MMA, recordings before the year 1972 will now be able to receive master recording performance royalties. This means all your favorite hits from artists around that time will now properly be paid the way they should’ve always been.
The MMA also plans to help create one database where anyone can access records of sound recordings and identify them to their proper songwriters and publishers as conspicuously as possible, as well as match them if they haven’t been already.
It doesn’t seem like much, but in this day in age, more people are consuming and streaming music than in the history of mankind. This needed to happen. It’s been years in the making and to have things ultimately moving along is truly rewarding for so many in the industry.
"The Music Modernization Act is now the law of the land, and thousands of songwriters and artists are better for it. The result is a music market better founded on fair competition and fair pay. The enactment of this law demonstrates what music creators and digital services can do when we work together collaboratively to advance a mutually beneficial agenda. It's a great day for music. We hope fans across the country will join with us in celebration and PLAY IT LOUD." - Mitch Glazier, RIAA president:
The Lost - and Recently Found - Appreciation for Vinyl
By Mackenzie Fey
Back in the old days—1877 to be exact—the invention of the phonograph truly shook up the music publishing industry. This was a big disrupter to many who made a living off of the royalties earned from the printed song books and sheets. Instead of buying the sheet music to play in their homes, people now got to buy a record player and the vinyl they wanted to hear and have it instantly — no musical knowledge or skill needed! Adapting to the times, eventually music publishers found themselves getting back on their feet and suiting themselves fine off of vinyl sales and the mechanical royalties they curated. Whew.
Taking a step into modern times, things in the music industry have done another earth-shattering thing…Streaming. Dun dun dunnnn. In 2013, the technological world was introduced to platforms that allowed people anywhere and everywhere access to all of their favorite tunes without actually buying them. Basically, platforms like Apple Music and Spotify are more so digital lockers: they can hold all of your favorite songs, allowing you access to them at any point. There you can pick and choose specific songs and stream them instantaneously. What does this mean for the music industry, specifically music publishers and writers? It means very little money coming in the form of mechanical royalties (monies paid through streams).
Recently, however, there has been an increase in vinyl sales despite what’s been happening online! Millennial’s and generations of the like have resorted back to the more “aesthetically pleasing” format of listening to records. Yay! In 2016, vinyl sales reached a 25-year high, raising by 53% (Ellis-Peterson, 2017). For my music publishers out there, this isn’t too shabby. Returning to this tangible music has been good on every front: mechanical monies are coming in heavier, brick and mortar record stores have greater profits, and consumers get to enjoy the music in the best way, second to live performance. There’s something fun and exciting about going to a second-hand record store and rediscovering the music that influenced the songs we hear today.
Go grab a friend or neighbor and scavenge for a new or already-loved LP. Sit down and listen to the music that makes the world (and turn table) go ‘round!
Click below to order/preorder vinyls from Lydia Luce, Matthew Perryman Jones, and Hush Kids!
"The Waking Hours" is OUT!
By: Lilly Streeter
Matthew Perryman Jones’ fifth studio album was released on Friday, September 21st and lets just say, I haven’t really listened to anything else. As Annie from ‘Sounds like Nashville’ said, “Jones is well known for his heartfelt lyrics and vivid storylines, and The Waking Hours is no exception. He penned eight of the album’s nine tracks, all except a stirring cover of Tom Waits’ “Take It with Me” done in one take. Many of the songs on the project detail the ups and downs of love. One of the most vulnerable moments on the album is the poignant ballad ‘Half Hearted Love’ where he sings, ‘I’m afraid to love what I could lose.’”
What a perfect description and depiction of MPJ’s new album. I don’t know about you but, I’m ready to see him perform this album live. Get ready to have a good cry listening to Matthew’s voice sing these delicate tunes. Check this link (or at the bottom) to get your tickets today!!!
It’s also available on all streaming platforms here if you aren’t a huge fan of crying in public. Hope you enjoy this album as much as I do!